It has occurred to me that outer darkness may be the place beyond the edge of the universe.
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I have been wondering about outer darkness for 20 years since I first began reading the Bible. It is a terrible, God forsaken place of punishment and torment, may God have mercy. "IN THAT PLACE THERE WILL BE WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH" says Jesus. (Mt.25:30,8:11,22:13) The ISV translation calls it ..THE DARKNESS OUTSIDE... Knowing the reality of such a horrid place of torment is very sobering.
The past 15 years I have become aware that it possibly is literally "outer darkness;" darkness that is outside the light created by God. That would make it beyond the edges of this universe. When God created the universe the first thing He created was light within this universe. Gen. 1;1,3 It does not appear that light extends beyond the edge. We now know that the universe is finite, it does have a perimeter. Even as a girl I would try to imagine what was beyond its perimeter. I couldn't even imagine. God exists independent of this universe, He is greater than the universe and larger than the universe.
It's imperative for people to come to Jesus to receive forgiveness of sins and salvation. For those of us who know Him, we must always seek to please Him. BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO WASH THEIR ROBES SO THAT THEY MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO THE TREE OF LIFE, AND MAY ENTER INTO THE CITY. OUTSIDE ARE THE DOGS AND SORCERERS AND THE IMMORAL PERSONS AND THE MURDERERS AND THE IDOLATERS, AND EVERYONE WHO LOVES AND PRACTICES LYING. (Rev. 22:14,15)
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Outside where? Outside the New Jerusalem, and the light God radiates into the new universe from there. They are away from the presence of God.... into the darkness beyond. THEY ARE WANDERING STARS FOR WHOM THE DEEPEST DARKNESS HAS BEEN RESERVED FOREVER. (Jude 1:13) BLACKEST DARKNESS IS RESERVED FOR THEM. (2 Peter 2:17) God have mercy.
How outer darkness relates to the first death; sheol, hades, the pit, I do not know. How it relates to the second death; the lake of fire, gehenna, I do not understand at this time. This is a very dark and heavy topic to explore.
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