In approaching the Word of God for study I approach the Sacred Writings as a worshiper. This especially holds true for the study of the book of Revelation. As I read, I always love Jesus and God the Father and stand in awe of the Almighty. I love the teachings from God.
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Jesus told the woman at the well that God is Spirit, and that the Father is seeking those to worship Him in Spirit.
Several months ago Jesus's Holy Spirit communicated to me. He said, "Worship Me, that's where the power is." This message came to me in a "still small voice", as a thought. Since then I've become an even more avid worshiper of Messiah. In the congregation of the saints at my home church, Calvary Spokane Jesus walks among us and speaks to me during deep worship.
In the privacy of my own home or room I love to sing and dance to Jesus because I love Him. Jesus has taken a spirit of heaviness off of me and given me a robe of rejoicing. (Isaiah) I find physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength as I worship Jesus. That's where the power is; Jesus Spirit pours power, anointing, understanding upon me for the Scriptures when I worship Him. In worship I can hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
It is the Holy Spirit's job to guide us into all truth, and to bring to our remembrance the things that Jesus has told us, and to show us things to come. (John) So, we must rely on the Holy Spirit and His empowerment even to read and understand God's Word. I have had many years where Jesus has empowered me to read and understand scripture and many sad years when He hasn't. It makes me love Jesus even more when He does. ITS NOT BY MIGHT, NOR BY POWER, BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD. (Zechariah)
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