The verse that has always astonished me is when Jesus comes again the people of the earth don't want Him.


I can't understand why, it's unfathomable to me. Instead of being happy to see Jesus at His coming, they wail and mourn, and try to hide from Him in rocks and caves. (Revelation 1:7, 6:15) LOOK, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS AND EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM, EVEN THOSE WHO PIERCED HIM; AND ALL PEOPLES ON EARTH WILL MOURN BECAUSE OF HIM. SO SHALL IT BE! AMEN.(Rev. 1:7) Humanity actually takes up arms to fight God Himself.
To me this is tragic. The people of this world will gather together in the battle of Armgeddon and physically try to fight God Himself; Jesus at His second coming. A humanity gone insane lead by Satan himself, through the Antichrist and False Prophet. (Rev. 16:16, 19:11-19) But the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords defeats them.
Jesus is still the most rejected Man. Millions are perishing because they won't come to Him. It breaks God the Father's heart and Jesus, the Son God's heart too. Believe on Him and He will get you to heaven some day.
Us followers of Jesus can make Him pleased. Worshiping Him, loving Him makes Him happier. Let us seek to please Him always. GOD IS SPIRIT, THOSE WHO WORSHIP MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH. (Jn. 4:24) Jesus is the Truth. FOR SUCH PEOPLE THE FATHER SEEKS TO BE HIS WORSHIPERS. (v23b)
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