In this age we have time.
Time is a physical property and is variable based on mass, acceleration and gravity. Therefore time can vary. Because of the law of entropy all things are winding down in the universe. We call this old age, death, and decay. It wasn't so in the beginning. In the beginning Elohim did make time. God instituted seasons, passages of times, and our Creator made the heavens and earth and everything in then in 6 days and rested the seventh.
God instituted time. However, because of His sovereignty and Onmipotence God remains outside of the time domain that we are in. (Thus He knows and sees all, foreknowledge.) Death and decay did not enter into creation until sin entered the world at the fall of mankind. THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH... (Death did not enter into heaven though. Sin did enter into heaven with the fall of Lucifer.)
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