My Mom is an example of a simple, humble woman who Jesus rewarded greatly when she went to heaven.
She had more than her share of troubles in her life. Yet, she was faithful to bring all of her children and grandchildren to saving faith in Jesus; through the power of the Holy Spirit. It was a miracle really.
This is what happened: One day when Mom was in her early 60's she turned yellow. She went to the emergency room. The doctors could not diagnose the problem. They wanted her to stay all night. But she didn't. Instead we went to church to hear Chuck Smith teach on Ruth at Calvary Spokane. During deep worship it was as if I saw her run into heaven. There she was, running as fast as she could go into heaven. Heaven was bright, emanating light. I tried to look in because I knew it was glorious, but the light was too bright, I couldn't see in. Jesus stood there at a low, white gate, swung wide open. My mom ran fast right past Him. I was shocked, she didn't even stop to say hi. Jesus didn't mind, He was just happy to have her there. He said to her, "Enter into your .." I thought He was going to say 'peace'. But, to my surprise, Jesus said, "joy". A few days after that Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was in glory a few weeks later. The miracle of it all was she experienced no pain. The Holy Spirit gave my sister-in-law a work of knowledge. She told me Mom was so happy.
I kept thinking about Mom entering into her 'joy'. Later I remembered Jesus had told 2 of His servants that in a parable. I looked it up. this is what Jesus said: 'HIS LORD SAID UNTO HIM', "WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT; THOU HAST BEEN FAITHFUL OVER A FEW THINGS. I WILL MAKE THEE A RULER OVER MANY THINGS; ENTER THOU INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD." (Mt. 25:23 KJV) And I knew He would say the same thing to Mom when she stands before His bema seat. Great is her reward. Just think, my Mom will be a big shot in the kingdom of heaven! I happen to think the bema seat judgement will happen at the moment each of us is ushered into heaven. However, Missler teaches it occurs at the rapture.
When Mom was called into heaven I was so happy for her. My heart could just hear the Savior saying to her soul, "Come away, come away, come away with me my love. For, lo, this winter is past and the spring time has come." Just think,the winter of this world is over and the eternal springtime of heaven has arrived for my Momma. She's walking in paradise with Jesus. Makes me love Jesus even more. He says in Song of Songs: MY BELOVED SPEAKS AND SAYS TO ME: "ARISE, MY LOVE, MY BEAUTIFUL ONE, AND COME AWAY, FOR BEHOLD, THE WINTER IS PAST; THE RAIN IS OVER AD GONE. THE FLOWERS ARE SPRINGING UP, THE SEASON OF SINGING BIRDS HAS COME, AD THE COOING OF TURTLE DOVES FILLS THE AIR. THE FIG TREE RIPENS ITS FIGS, AND THE VINES IN BLOSSOM HAVE GIVE FORTH THEIR FRAGRANCE. ARISE, MY LOVE, MY BEAUTIFUL ONE, AND COME AWAY!" (Song 2;10-13 ESV,NLT, NASB)
When Mom and I would go for walks in the neighborhood Mom would stoop down and pick up any trash that may be lying beside the road. At the time I told her not to bother, but she did anyway. After Mom went to heaven I cried thinking what a humble servant my Mom had been. She had been faithful in her own way, to pick up a piece of trash, to make this world a more beautiful place. It reminds me of our Lord's words: "WHOEVER IS FAITHFUL WITH VERY LITTLE IS ALSO FAITHFUL WITH A LOT."(Lk. 16:10 a ISV)
I remember another time we were at a convenience store in our neighborhood. There was a man in line who everyone stayed far away from. He looked dangerous. No one would even get near him. What did my Mom do? She walked right up to him, face to face. I thought, 'What is she doing?' She told him, "Jesus loves you." To my surprise he accepted her, a humble grandma, into his space bubble. She gave him the love of Christ. He smiled at her, deeply moved, and replied, "Thank-you." I was shocked. In retrospect I realized my Mom was being a faithful messenger of Jesus' love. Just think, Jesus sent that man the only person in the world who he could accept, my Momma; to let him know Jesus loves him. Brings tears to my eyes. How proud I am of her for being obedient to what Jesus told her to do that day. She did that many other times too. She gave the love of Christ to those who others shun. May we all be faithful to testify of Jesus. AND THEY (THE SAINTS) OVERCAME HIM (SATAN) BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY, AND THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES TO THE DEATH. (Rev. 12:11 NKJV)
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