In approaching the Word of God I pray to know ultimate truth. My hearts desire is to KNOW HIM (JESUS) AND THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION....
Jesus Speaks To Us Through His Word (Image: |
Some of my prayers I ask Jesus are these:
1. Jesus, please open my mind to understand the Scriptures even more (Luke 24:45), in greater ways than I can imagine.
2. Father, please have the Spirit of Truth guide me into all truth and tell me what is to come. (John 16:13)
3. Lord, give me give me living waters from Your Word.
4. Father, give me a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Your Son, enlighten the eyes of my heart... (Ephesians 1:17,18a)
I want to know how to live right according to God Almighty in this dark world. (And tell others.) I desire to see things as Jesus/ God sees, not as man sees. The Sacred Writings reveal these things to us.
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