Thursday, February 20, 2014

Adam and Eve Walked with God

  God loves humanity.  God loves you.  


Originally God created Adam and Eve, and mankind to walk with Him forever. We are created for intimate union with God.  God was physically present with Adam and Eve. He actually walked and talked with them. How wonderful to commune with God Himself. He would be with them. WHEN THE COOL EVENING BREEZES WERE BLOWING THE MAN AND HIS WIFE HEARD THE LORD GOD WALKING ABOUT IN THE GARDEN.(Gen.3:8a NLT) 


    Sadly, a terrible thing happened.  Adam and Eve broke this direct experiential walk with God when they sinned.  God was looking for them, calling to them to come and walk with Him.  But because of their sin they became too afraid and hid from God Himself.  How sad. ...AND THEY HID FROM THE LORD GOD AMONG THE TREES OF THE GARDEN. (Gen. 8:b)

   Enoch was a man who walked with God.  We read about him in Genesis 5:24.  This was after the fall.  Something significant happened in his life when he was 64.  He had a profound encounter with God that changed his whole life.  Have you?  I have.  Jesus divinely healed me of terminal cancer when I was 38 years of age.  I think that Enoch's divine encounter with God was when God Himself came down to Enoch.  I think God personally came to down to Enoch each time God  walked and talked  with him.  Scripture says:  ENOCH WALKED FAITHFULLY WITH GOD.(Gen. 5:24a)   This is called a Theophany, "a manifestation of God that is tangible to the human senses." (Baker).   I think Jesus came to Enoch.  Theologians call  preincarnate appearances of  Christ Christophanies. (Baker)

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