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The wilderness tabernacle is where God Himself came down to interact with humankind. YHWH called to Moses from His mercy seat. Moses came and talked to God, face to face. The LORD called to Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting. Leviticus 1:1. To me, that is the most significant way the tabernacle reveals Jesus. In that God came calling to mankind at the mercy seat. Jesus, is the Man of Mercy. In Him all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily. The Son of Man came down to seek and to save that which was lost, all of humanity. Jesus is God, calling to every human soul, to come to Him. The same way God called to Moses in the Tabernacle.
It was the fall of mankind when we lost the intimate union with our Creator, the Light of Life. Jesus, God, used to come down and walk with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening in Eden, the garden of God. But sadly, when humankind was tarnished by sin, the direct union was broken. But God never gave up. He is a seeker God. And that's why the Tabernacle was made, and the temple also. A place where humankind can meet their Maker, and offer sacrifice for their sins. That's why Jeus died on the cross, for the sins of the world. He rose again, provingk He is Life Eternal!
I like the way Paul Mcguire explains the fall of mankind. "There is a the Biblical worldview which teaches that Mankind originally lived in Paradise in the Garden of Eden and that our common genetic parents Adam and Eve were immortal beings until the Fall of Man, when the cosmic law of sin and death was activated through the rejection of the Word of God. Prior to that time, Adam and Eve had the supernatural ability to rule over Planet Earth and they had the DNA of God."(1)
Back to the Tabernacle. All the design features of the Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple, and Zerubbabals temple enlarged by Herod speak of Messiah! In the Tabernacle the animals were sacrificed on the brazen alter for remission of sins. Jesus was slaughtered for the sins of the world upon the cross 2,000 years ago on Calvary. Jesus is our High Priest bringing us to the Father and He constantly lives to make intercession. The priests in the temple made sacrifice for the people on a daily basis, but Jesus sacrificed Himself once and for all, forever done!! It is finished He cried out on the cross, then gave up the ghost. Jesus resurrected from the dead in His glorious body that can never die! He is seated at the right hand of power, the Father God. Jesus is our High Priest, He constantly makes intercession for us, His followers.
Jesus is the Light of the World, and the Light of Life. All who believe in Him will never be in darkness. The menorah in the Holy Place represents Jesus as the Light! Jesus is the bread of life. All who eat Him will never hunger, forever. We must consume HIm in a Spiritual sense to have life!! The 12 pieces of shewbread on the table in the Holy of Holies speak of Christ as the life giving Savior of the each humank being who receives, ie consumes Him spiritually.
(1) By Paul McGuire September 15, 2014 NewsWithViews.com "Freedom From Fear At the End of the World"
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