Sunday, September 21, 2014

God is Spirit

A person’s spirit is the lamp of the Lord, it searches throughout ones innermost being.  (Prov. 20:27 ISV)

(Image: youngbridesforchrist)
It’s our spirits that communicate with God.  Jesus said that we must be born again from God’s Spirit in order to see the Kingdom of God. (John 3)  He speaks Spirit and truth to humankind.  God is seeking those to worship HIm in Spirit.  Worship is the act of love where our spirit mingles with and adores God’s Spirit!!  No wonder it feels so good.  That’s what the Song of Songs is all about!!  The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. (1 Cor. 2:10 c)  God is Spirit! (Jn. 4)

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