20 years ago I had cancer. The treatments the doctors gave me were hedious beyond belief. God help me to never take man's methods of medicine again. My body has only been harmed. Subsequently I do not trust nor believe in any of modern man's medicine for lasting, positive effects.
The Bible warns us of the last days medical system, especially the laboratory made medical devices and pharmeuceiticals. Revelation warns us twice that the entire world will be deceived by "pharmakia". (Rev. 18:23, 9:21) That is the greek word for pharmaceuticals, and laboratory compounds that do not occur naturally. I see the pit of hell being opened in all this medical manipulation, transhumanism, genetic engineering, etc. Watch! The mark of the beast and the anitichrist, and his image will arise out of the ungodly medical system taken to the extreme end. (Rev. 13) Many will be deceived.
I see the torture and torment endured by other cancer patients. It grieves me for their suffering beyond belief. I'm so sorry for what the doctors are doing to cancer victims. It angers me too.
The Prophet Isaiah foresaw a time period that we are entering. He describes it as a time when human kind will break the everlasting laws and ways of God's natural order. We are sadly entering that day. 5The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgressed laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant. 6Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live in it are held guilty. Isaiah 24
On a more positive note: After I took all of man's chemo, radiation, and 2 surgeries the cancer came back anyway. That hell didn't work anywway. But, a Methodist minister prayed for me when I was dying. Jesus, our Great Physician reached down from heaven in a miracle of His mercy. He healed me in a moment. His mercy, grace, and forgiveness for me is unexplicable. His love is forever, and unfathomable power.
love in Christ, sid
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