Saturday, October 4, 2014


True is wisdom is only achieved by seeing reality, the universe, and life's situations through the perspective of God's understanding, not man's. This can only be achieved by a Biblical understanding.  Then, having the ability to act upon God's wisdom in life and any given situation is more than wisdom, that's called power.  That can only be achieved by obeying Jesus.  We  can only obey Jesus if we love Him.  
I think the premier example of a man not having wisdom was when Peter was too impulsive.  Jesus had just told His followers that He would go to Jerusalem, and be killed.  Peter grabbed Him, pulled Him aside, and told him no, He would not go and die.  Wow!!  That's the ultimate example of seeing a situation through a limited, purely human perspective.  What did Jesus do?  He yelled at Peter, and the satanic perspective behind Peters words.  Jesus said, Get behind me Satan, you are seeing things from man's perspective, not Gods." (My paraphrase from the Gospels)
Jesus is the Wisdom and Power of God.  To know Him and the power of His resurrection is the ultimate in living a life of wisdom.  Jesus says if we obey Him, that means we love Him.  Wisdom is obeying Jesus above our own thoughts and desires.  Two no brainer examples of that are divorce, and fornication.  I have had to talk good Christian women out of leaving their husbands... and pray fervently for them so they didn't.  I couldn't even imagine that they would even think of acting in direct defiance to Jesus words to not divorce.  When I came to Jesus my husband would not accept Him for many years, and my husband rejected me, although he still stayed married to me.  When I read the epistles of Paul we are expressly commanded that the believing spouse does not leave the unbelieving spouse.  That simple.  That's called wisdom, obediance.. a no brainer.  We don't sin like that.  I guess you can call lack of wisdom sin.
Probably Solomon was the ultimate example of having the wisdom that comes from God above.  Yet, Solomon willfully violated the written commandments of God Almighty written in the Torah, the Law of Moses.  Solomon may have through he was too smart to obey the written Word.  Yet, his lack of wisdom eventually lead to his downfall with false gods, and the downfall of all the nation of Israel, and Judah with their false God.  In violation of the God's wisdom Solomon multiplied wives, gold, and horses.  He took pegan wives and built their heathen, satanic temples in Jerusalem.  Hmmm....  so tragic.  Obediance is wisdom.
That's why I like to read the Bible, to see what reality really is.  And I pray to Jesus that He protect me from my own human tendencies to sin, willful disobediance.  I trust Him.  With God, all things are possible.  
Scripture states:Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.  1 Cor. 23:c   If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  James 1:5

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