Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Impossible Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs is obviously some super ceo with some super health, super drive, and a lot of employees to assist her.  No mortal woman could stay up so late and get up so early and work constantly unless she has a degree of super health that sure isnt granted to any i know in this day and age.
She obviously has some great management ability, skill at crafting, sewing, etc. or a large staff she assigns it to.  And business insights, wow, she has the wisdom of Job, huh??  
I've known a lot of super accomplished women, and none of them consistantly fits the description of the superwoman in proverbs 31. In some areas, yes, in some areas. Far short. And what about when a woman gets sick?  How can she be the proverbs 31 example of the supermom, super wife, super manager, super business woman, with super favor???  Any candidates?
Maybe that's why Solomon screwed up so bad and had 700 wives.  Combine them all into one and maybe you have the super wife?  I'm obviously being sarcastic.  It was bad advice for Solomon.  He couldn't even love 1 wife.
After contemplating this proverb for 20 years ive come to the conclussion that this is an ideal of virtue which we women strive for. This is an example of a hyperbole, seeking an ideal that cannot be reached in mortality. Yet, it is a good example of what we ought to strive for, and a beautiful ideal.  
Probably the women who came closest to this was Abigal, the wife of King David. But, she was no proverbs 31  super woman.  How about Bathsheba?  She was the opposite of the proverbs 31 wife, huh? Who was she to talk?  Hmmm...   Or Deborah, the Judge of Israel?  She was super capable.   Miriam came close, Anna the Prophetess in her own way too.  And what shall we say of Mary Magdeline, the Apostle to the Apostles?  Probably we have to acknowledge the Virgin Mary, the most blessed of women. 

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