We must always pray the blood of Christ over us and ask God to protect us from our own sins and sinful sexual desires. And we must never be alone around a member of the opposite sex who is not our husband or wife. It's really very simple, and a matter of determination and total and complete reliance on God.
The answer to getting rid of immorality in the church is very easy. Pick up the telephone, call your internet provider and cancel your internet account. Then, the men can't be locked onto addicting porn all the time and you will stop inflaming themselves into neighing stallions after other men's wives. By the way, that's why Jerusalem was finally taken down by God. (Jeremiah) A note to men: Jesus does not like it when you married men hit on His women. This happens all to much!! You better be careful, He does not tolerate it. This is what Jesus says: But why do you indulge that Balaam crowd? (Rev. 2:14 a Msg.) You still have a few followers of Jesus in Sardis who have not ruined themselves wallowing in the muck of the world's ways. (Rev. 3:4a Msg.)
The churches need to have hidden video cameras in all their rooms, so they can keep an eye on their employees behavior in the church buildings. This will help to avoid costly litigation also, and hopefully keep the sexual predators out of the churches.
Women need to report to the ministers when they are being hit upon by married men within the Body of Christ. Single women need to get off the dating sites that are really only sites encouraging sexual addiction for the vulnerable women. The ministers cannot tolerate the Balaam bunch (Rev.) in the assembly.
When we are tempted to sin we must pray, call up Jesus, and talk to Him. It's called prayer. He will deliver us. He is faithful and true. God gives us the ability to life a live worthy of Him Who Calls us. And live in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
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