Saturday, July 12, 2014

My Experience

Years ago I did what the Prophet Daniel did.  I went on a 3 week fast seeking God's mercy on America.  I was in sorrow for the sins of America, my own sins and my people's sins.

 I was fearful for judgement coming upon our nation.  I have read Revelation and the Prophets of the Old Testament  enough to know that great nuclear wars will occur.  The arsenals now in possession of the great end time nations will be released with burning fury and mankind will come near to extinction.  Nuclear holocaust is coming to this world.  So, I begged the Almighty for mercy on America.

  At the end of 3 weeks I had a dream in which I heard words.  This dream was a message concerning the timing of World War 3.  I heard these words spoken to me in this dream: "World War 3 will be in 15 years."  I awoke, got up and looked at the calendar; September 11, 2002.  The approximate time was 7a.m. PST.

IF (and I emphasis IF), this was a message from God sent to me the the date of world War 3 will be September 11, 2017.  May God have mercy on America. 

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