When I think of Ruth coming to Boaz imploring mercy for her and her elderly mother in law I think of all the other desperate and needy women who come to Jesus.... to touch His feet, to receive mercy, love and power from the Body of God, the Man, Christ Jesus.
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(alhale-amy.blogspot.com) |
Jesus reached out and touched each of these women with His supernatural, dunamis, God given power. The first woman was a dying woman. She had been bleeding to death for 12 years. I don't know how she could even crawl aster the life blood leaving her for so long. The Gospel of Mark tells us that the doctors took all of her money and left her even more mutilated than when they first got a hold of her. (Hmm.. sounds like cancer therapy.) (I had cancer for many years before I found the tumor. I know what it feels like to have the vital energy of life leaving the body. Jesus subsequently healed me after much torment and suffering. He had mercy on my babies and husband.)
So, she was on her last legs, her life almost gone. Then, a ray of hope hit her. Jesus of Nazareth was coming to her town. (In actuality to see her, even though she didn't know it. That's how much Jesus loved her. How much He loves you and I even today. ) Somehow, in her heart she knew, "If I only may touch even just the hem of his garment I will be healed. He will heal me." The crowds pressed around the Healer, no one could get near the Master. She had no other choice, she could barely crawl to him... she reached out with all her strength.. her finger lightly touching His hem. She skimmed His power. Dynamite! God's healing power flowed out of Jesus and into this great woman's body. Immediate healing, power, grace flowed into every nanoparticle of her being. Immediately the disease was gone and new life infused into her mortal body. What a miracle of God.
"But Jesus turned to see who had touched Him. The woman knew what had happened to her. She came shaking with fear and knelt down in front of Jesus. Then she told Him the whole story. Jesus said to the woman, "You are now well because of your faith (in Me Jesus). May God give you peace! You are healed and you will no longer be in pain." (Mark 5:32-34 CEV) She was so embarressed she tried to crawl away. But Jesus loved her so much. He wanted to talk to her. He longed to tell her wonderful things and let her know He had given her a new life. He yelled out that power had gone out from Him because someone touched Him. He knew whoshe was yet, He was calling her to intimacy with her Healer. She came to Him. She told Him everything. Jesus gave her a whole new life. A life to live for Him. I wonder if she became one of women His followers and never left His side like so many others did?