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(Image; anthonytringale.com) |
"Tell My people I love them and have good plans for them but they must turn to Me for the time is at hand. They must turn from their sexual sins for the time is at hand. I want a pure, spotless, chaste Bride. I don't want to fight them with the sword of My mouth, but I will. I will expose their sexual sin and they will know I Am the One Who Searches the hearts and reins (inner being). Hold fast what you have, let no man, no one take your crown. For behold, I come quickly and My reward is with Me. I will repay to each one for what they have done." (the bema seat judgement)
"Be ready, watch and pray, less it come upon you like a thief. Stay awake and I will give you white raimnent from heaven. And you will never go out from the presence of My God and your God. I will make you a pillar in His temple and you will see His face. Behold, I come quickly and My reward is with Me...."
"Hold fast, let no one take your crown for the time is at hand. The time is short. Work while it is day. I won't put any other burden upon you. Those who are worthy will walk with Me in white raimnent. Buy gold tried in the fire. Buy white robes. Come to Me. Pray."
"I miss you. I seek you. I love you with a passionate, (fervent) everlasting love. Love is stronger than death. I'm calling. Can you hear? Open to Me. I will come in. Don't love this world, it's passing away. My gift is forever. My power stands. Heaven and earth will pass away, don't forget that. But My words never will (pass away). Don't let the cares of this world invade you. Thos who I love I protect. So be it. Amen."
"Come to Me like never before. I'm calling. Can you hear Me? Listen to the Spirit talking to the Churches in America. I Am The Beginning and the End- The Amen- The Almighty. The Lover of your soul speaks. Love is stronger than death. (My) love conquers the grave. Prevail saints!"
"I don't want to fight them with the sword of My mouth but I will. I will not tolerate (rampant) sexual sin in My Body any longer. It hurts too bad. I will expose the sins of the heart. Then all the churches will know Me in My power."
'Have mercy, O Lord. We are a sinful people. Have mercy, heal, forgive, change, empower. I'm sorry. Help us to turn. Help us not to love sin. Let us love You. Clean our hearts. Even so. I love You, Master, Jesus. Come, O Lord'.
"I come quickly and My reward is with Me."
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