#5 My Seven Years (Approx.)
The reason Nebuchadrezzar was given 7 years of madness is clear. So that he, and the whole world, would know that it is God Most High, the God of Heaven, that rules on earth and is control of human events. The great king of Babylon was humbled. I too went through an an awful 7 years that broke my heart. For 7 long years the empowerment to read and study the Bible was lifted off me. It was dreadful. But, praise be to God, I came back to my senses and Jesus has restored to me the supernatural gifting and ability to read about Him again in His Word and to study with Dr. Missler. I thank Jesus and praise Him and love Him even more. It's amazing, how my need for Jesus grows continually. I met Jesus 20 years ago on my death bed with cancer. He took all fear of death off me when I asked Him to get me to heaven and my family there someday too. A short time later, in a miracle Jesus healed me. It was like the book of Acts, Jesus supernatural presence. His empowerment to testify of Him. For around 14 years I walked in power and devoured Scripture and He showed me great and mighty things. Then my husband got ill. I still loved Jesus and prayed to Him. But, I could not read Scripture nor hardly tell about Jesus anymore. My husband passed away, I just was surviving in this world. Like I was lost in this world. I still went to church. Then, after 7 long years I thought my cancer had returned. I would be happy, I would be in heaven. Jesus answered my prayers of 20 years ago and let me live long enough to raise my children. But Jesus had other plans. One day during worship at church with my eyes closed it was as if He came to me in a vision. I saw myself worshiping at His feet. He said, "come up here." I stood face to face with Him. Jesus said, "I still have more for you to do." I knew immediately I was not dying. He said, "Tell of My mercy." I knew He meant when He miraculously healed me of invasive cancer. He said, "Tell of My grace." I knew immediately, like Nebuchadrezzar that anything and everything I had was only by grace. Tell of my forgiveness. My sins, so grievous to me, I knew were gone, forgiven. His mercy, grace, forgiveness is unfathomable, power, forever, infinite.