Sid's Bible Blog
Monday, June 8, 2020
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Dream of the Antichrist
Today my son said to me, "I saw the antichrist last night in a dream."
I asked him what the antichrist looks like. Dana said that, 'He is 6feet 1inches tall with blond hair and blue eyes." I asked about age. Dana said he's about 40 years of age. He wears a grey suit. And has 'classic German features." So, we have a physical description of the son of perdition.
In the dream the antichrist torments a person mentally, emotionally etc. He does not talk in words to torment. He does it through his mind. That sure sounds like satan incarnate to me.
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,..... He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. (2 Thess. 2:3b, Dan. 11:36b)
I asked him what the antichrist looks like. Dana said that, 'He is 6feet 1inches tall with blond hair and blue eyes." I asked about age. Dana said he's about 40 years of age. He wears a grey suit. And has 'classic German features." So, we have a physical description of the son of perdition.
In the dream the antichrist torments a person mentally, emotionally etc. He does not talk in words to torment. He does it through his mind. That sure sounds like satan incarnate to me.
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,..... He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. (2 Thess. 2:3b, Dan. 11:36b)
Friday, November 14, 2014
The One Who Searches the Heart
As I was deep in worship last Saturday these words came to me. I think Jesus is speaking to the Churches.
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"Tell My people I love them and have good plans for them but they must turn to Me for the time is at hand. They must turn from their sexual sins for the time is at hand. I want a pure, spotless, chaste Bride. I don't want to fight them with the sword of My mouth, but I will. I will expose their sexual sin and they will know I Am the One Who Searches the hearts and reins (inner being). Hold fast what you have, let no man, no one take your crown. For behold, I come quickly and My reward is with Me. I will repay to each one for what they have done." (the bema seat judgement)
"Be ready, watch and pray, less it come upon you like a thief. Stay awake and I will give you white raimnent from heaven. And you will never go out from the presence of My God and your God. I will make you a pillar in His temple and you will see His face. Behold, I come quickly and My reward is with Me...."
"Hold fast, let no one take your crown for the time is at hand. The time is short. Work while it is day. I won't put any other burden upon you. Those who are worthy will walk with Me in white raimnent. Buy gold tried in the fire. Buy white robes. Come to Me. Pray."
"I miss you. I seek you. I love you with a passionate, (fervent) everlasting love. Love is stronger than death. I'm calling. Can you hear? Open to Me. I will come in. Don't love this world, it's passing away. My gift is forever. My power stands. Heaven and earth will pass away, don't forget that. But My words never will (pass away). Don't let the cares of this world invade you. Thos who I love I protect. So be it. Amen."
"Come to Me like never before. I'm calling. Can you hear Me? Listen to the Spirit talking to the Churches in America. I Am The Beginning and the End- The Amen- The Almighty. The Lover of your soul speaks. Love is stronger than death. (My) love conquers the grave. Prevail saints!"
"I don't want to fight them with the sword of My mouth but I will. I will not tolerate (rampant) sexual sin in My Body any longer. It hurts too bad. I will expose the sins of the heart. Then all the churches will know Me in My power."
'Have mercy, O Lord. We are a sinful people. Have mercy, heal, forgive, change, empower. I'm sorry. Help us to turn. Help us not to love sin. Let us love You. Clean our hearts. Even so. I love You, Master, Jesus. Come, O Lord'.
"I come quickly and My reward is with Me."
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Expect Ebola in Spokane
Dear Friends,
Ebola has come to America
A while back, this summer I was following the ebola news in West Africa. More and more alarming news emerged. So, I figured I better start praying. One day, while talking to God/ Jesus in prayer I believe I received a "word of knowledge" concerning ebola. While in deep prayer, this thought comes to mind, "Ebola is coming to America." I immediately thought this was a message from God according to the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit as revealed in 1 Corinthians 12:8 (NIV). To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit.
I told my daughter. Sure enough, the news told us the very next day that the first Christian missionary doctor who had ebol was brought to the hospital in Atlanta GA.
Ebola will be 'bad' in America
I continued to pray for God to have mercy on America. Hopeing and praying this would be the only case. I was not alarmed as I continued to follow this trend in the news. Well, ebola shows up in Dallas in patient 0, Duncan who had flown in from Liberia. I wondered how bad ebola will be here in the States. I prayed, I asked God, 'how bad will ebola be in America?' "Bad" was the word that came to me. How bad will "bad' be? I don't know. Does that mean 1, 10, 1000, 1 million? I have no idea how bad. All I know is ebola will be bad here in our nation. I think this was a word of knowledge from Jesus Spirit. Jesus told us the Holy Spirit would show us what is to come in John 16:13 NIV) . But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
Ebola Victim Flies Into America
Expect ebola in Spokane
It never occured to me that ebola would come to Spokane. I expected it to be contained as the CDC and the news always told us it would. They lied. I get a call from a friend yesterday. She tells me that ebola is here in Spokane. She directs me to alerts. I read the article by a Spokane resident and believe it. The article reveals the CDC is here and preparing funeral homes with methods of disposing of dead bodies contaminated with ebola. It also states there is at least 1 confirmed ebola case in Spokane. I call my friends who live in the neighborhood where immigrants from Guinea live. They tell me they have not heard of any cases at this time. I ask them to keep me informed if they do. So, this morning I wake up and talk to God. That's simply prayer. I ask Him to have mercy on Spokane. The thought, words come to me, "Expect ebola in Spokane". I believe this is a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit. I think we will see ebola here in our city. This morning as I wondered whether to post this information or not I felt that I must warn my people. It is coming here to Spokane. Be prepared.. most of all pray for God's mercy on Spokane. Ebola In Spokane WA
On October 20th the Spokane Health Department was denying peoples concerns that ebola was here from West Africa. Can they still deny it now? Obviously after all the other lies from the CDC and news outlets that we are all safe and it can't happen do I believe this article now? Do you? Is it here? Expect ebola in Spokane. Watch and pray is all I can say. Health Officials Deny Ebola in Spokane
“But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:34 NASB) Words of Jesus.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
UFOs, Aliens
According to Dr. Chuck Missler and his research ufo's are interdimensional craft. They are not from other planets, nor other galaxies. They are from the spiritual domain of evil. In a sense you could say they are out of the pit of hell. After all of his research he finds they can pop in and out of this dimension and break the laws of physics.
In his book Alien Encounters Dr. MIssler documents his research and conclusions. It's a fascinating read. Chuck says that all the messages the aliens give is that evil and denies God as the Creator and Jesus Christ is denied by them as the Son of God. So, we know they are evil entities from another dimension who want to send people to hell by denying Jesus Messiah.
My sister and her husband have seen an alien, large triangular ufo hovering beside Mt. Graham in Safford Az. area, right next to Mt Graham. They lived in a trailor court at the base of Mt. Graham for many years. That's a really creepy area. I drove up that mountain and it felt wierd and uncomfortable with a funny deserted feeling. I drove down real fast.
I know a young lady who saw an alien once in her summer camp cabin. The thing exuded evil and she was consumed and frozen in terror. It was a grey, only tall. The alien, devil, nephelim, demon.. evil incarnate was looking at another young lady camper. I have a real bad feeling a young lady was abducted that night. The yung lady who saw the alien looking at the other girl reported it to me. She was having terrible nightmares. So, I took her to Dr. Missler. He prayed for her and the nightmares left.
The Resurrection and the Life
Jesus says, "I Am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even though they die. And everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die." John 11:25,26
I used to read this and think, how can this be? Jesus must be talking about heaven. Even though we die, our bodies, yet shall our souls live forever in heaven. And then I thought He just repeated the same thing in his second phrase, that everyone who lives on this earth and believes in Him shall never die, in other words the body dies, but the soul goes on to live in heaven. This is a valid interpretation. It seemed to me that Jesus use of the word Resurrection and Life describing HImself were synonomous and different ways of stating the same thing.
However, after listening to Chuck explain the 2 very similar words in the Bible dont necessarily mean the same thing I had an epiphany regarding this verse. Chuck had said that Jesus Spirit told HIm "Metaphors reign where mysteries reside." So, one day as I was reading this verse I realized that Jesus wasnt just talking about the first death; He was talking about the second death too. Heres the interpretation: Jesus said, "I Am the Resurrection... the one who believes in Me will live, even though they die." That means we die the first death. That is our bodies die. But we live in heaven even though the body is dead. Then, Jesus says .. "and the Life. And everyone who lives (in heaven) and believes in Me shall never die- never taste the second death."
That's my interpretation. It's hard to explain. Jesus is the Resurrection, so we live after the first death. We never go to 'death' the place of the dead, the state of disembodied existence. Jesus is also the Life, so we live eternally and don;t go to the second death. Wow!! How I love HIm. He told us we never taste, we never see death. Not the first nor the second death. All glory to Him Who sits upon the Throne! Forever, and ever, and ever.. Amen
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