Today my son said to me, "I saw the antichrist last night in a dream."
I asked him what the antichrist looks like. Dana said that, 'He is 6feet 1inches tall with blond hair and blue eyes." I asked about age. Dana said he's about 40 years of age. He wears a grey suit. And has 'classic German features." So, we have a physical description of the son of perdition.
In the dream the antichrist torments a person mentally, emotionally etc. He does not talk in words to torment. He does it through his mind. That sure sounds like satan incarnate to me.
Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,..... He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. (2 Thess. 2:3b, Dan. 11:36b)